When you think about protecting your children from illness, your thoughts likely turn to getting them vaccinated and teaching them to wash their hands often. You probably don’t think about protecting their hearing as a way to prevent serious illness, but new...
New Technology Helps Prevent Noise Induced Hearing Loss Before It’s Too Late Did you know that many workers receive less than half of the hearing protection they should be getting from their earplugs? It’s hard to believe, but because you can’t tell if earplugs are...
Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is not the only cause of work-related hearing loss. A recent article written by Stefan Dubowski, published in COS magazine, is shedding light on how exposure to certain chemicals, known as Ototoxic chemicals can cause hearing loss, as...
Noise induced hearing loss is now the most common occupational disease in North America, affecting both the employee and employer. Here, we take a look at the 3 most misunderstood concerns about using a mobile hearing testing service. Misconception: The test must take...