Mobile Hearing Testing
Earplug Fit Testing
New Technology Helps Prevent Noise Induced Hearing Loss Before It’s Too Late.
Hearing protection is a significant part of the H&S budget. So it’s important to know if it’s being used properly. Yet studies show that many people get less than half of the noise reduction they should be getting from their earplugs due to improper fit.
The only way to know if an employee’s earplugs are fitted properly is by measuring the amount of noise reduction they’re achieving while wearing their plugs. Our cutting-edge fit testing system provides a quantitative measurement of the earplug fit and determines if the noise reduction is sufficient for the level of noise in their work environment.
This new technology offers a significant advancement in earplug fitting & effectiveness, and validates the employee’s ability to fit their earplugs correctly. Earplug fit testing has the potential to significantly improve the effectiveness of your hearing conservation program by dramatically reducing hearing shifts, noise induced hearing loss, and compensation claims.